Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions I’m asked frequently by restaurant owners. Just click on a question to see the answer.

If you have a question that is not answered below then please give me a call on 01283 515606. I’m always happy to chat about The Restaurant Marketing Solution and will be pleased to answer your questions. You can also send you questions via the form on the About Me / Contact Me page.

I can see that The Restaurant Marketing Solution will quickly build an email newsletter list for me but why is that the best way to promote my restaurant?
Here is a 90 second video that I made to help answer that question…

I'm not good with technology and the internet. Is that a problem?
That is no problem at all. With the done for you option, you won’t have any dealings with technology except for sending me an email occasionally.
Why should I give away a meal for a prize?
The prize is what tempts people to join your list and then to share the prize draw with all of their friends. It is what starts the ball rolling and keeps it rolling until you have a large list.
Why not just give away a very low cost prize?
Your prize can be as high or low cost as you wish. You just need to remember that the more attractive the prize, the more people will want to enter and the more they’ll want to share it with their friends. Please don’t think of it as the value you’re giving to 2 people but think of it as a value that will tempt hundreds or possibly thousands of people to enter your prize draw and then tell their friends.
What if no-one enters the competition?
This has never happened with The Restaurant Marketing Solution and so it is very very unlikely as quite simply the system works very well. If it did happen though, you’d be covered by my guarantee to help you build a list of at least 200 local diners at no further cost to you.
How quickly will I see results?
Within days of launching your very first prize draw you will be building a sizable list and letting local diners know about your restaurant. Some restaurants have had over 500 prize draw entries in just the first three days!
I seem to be getting so much for such a low cost. Why is The Restaurant Marketing Solution so cheap?
I’m of course happy for you to pay me more if you’d like to! 🙂  The price will be rising significantly in the near future but I want to gain more testimonials and case studies from restaurants that have had great success with the system and so am keeping the price low until I have all of those in place. Please do join now though if you’d like to take advantage of the low price as I can’t guarantee how long it will be available for.
How much time will I need to spend on this?
If you decide to let me set up the Restaurant Marketing Solution for you then you’ll need hardly any time as everything is done for you. Initially, you’ll just need to fill out a form with details of a prize and a number of other things I need to be able to get the system set up for you, then as soon as everything is set up you (or your staff) will need to spend a little time getting the ball rolling to get the first people to enter. Apart from that, everything is done for you.
I can see that once I 'get the ball rolling' then the system will encourage people to share the prize draw with their friends. How do I get the ball rolling though?
I’ll give you lots of ideas of how to get the ball rolling with your existing customers that come in to your restaurant, or by using Facebook or Twitter, or by using cheap to produce flyers etc etc.
What if I can't afford the £197 set up cost?
You are very welcome to follow my instructions and set up a system for yourself at no cost. Other restaurants have found though, that my done-for-you option has more than paid for itself within a very short time though and is well worth the small investment for an asset that will repay you for years.
I'm not in the UK. Can I still use your done-for-you solution?
Yes that’s no problem. Because The Restaurant Marketing Solution is internet based, I can set the system up for you wherever you are.
What do I send to my list in the email newsletter each month?
I will help you with this so that there’s always something to send to your list. It doesn’t need to be lots of information though, it could be as simple as a special offer for the month, a themed event you’re running, another prize draw or maybe a discount coupon.
I don't know you. Can I trust you?
I have been helping small businesses to get more customers for over 8 years. On my About Me page I have a video from former Dragon’s Den star Rachel Elnaugh where she calls me an ‘internet marketing expert’ but most of all I am available to speak to. You won’t be dealing with some faceless office, it will be me that will be setting up your Restaurant Marketing Solution and me that will be working with you to build a profitable list.
I already use some email list software. Is it possible to use that with your done-for-you option?
Yes it is possible depending on which software you use. This could also reduce the monthly cost of using The Restaurant Marketing Solution. Please give me a call on 01283 515606 to discuss this further.
I know it's called The Restaurant Marketing Solution but will it work for other business types too?
The short answer is yes. The system was designed for restaurants, tea rooms and other food establishments because they have such mass market appeal in a local area. The system has also been tested with driving schools, tanning salons and other business types with good results – but for businesses like these you should expect to grow a list of 80 to 130 people with your first prize draw whereas restaurant results have been in the 500 to 1200 area. This is because in a local area, probably close to 100% of people would go to a restaurant for a free meal whereas far fewer would want to take driving lessons or go for a tanning session for example. For this reason, I would not be able to offer the same guarantee but would be happy to create a guarantee just for you depending on your business type.  If you do run a different type of business and wish to use the system, you can either call me on 01283 515606 to discuss the possibility, or just order as normal on the Done-For-You page.